HA Hosting Service Status - Various outages in Sheffield – Incident details

Various outages in Sheffield

Started about 1 month agoLasted 3 days


HA Hosting

Operational from 6:59 PM to 6:59 PM, Degraded performance from 6:59 PM to 8:05 PM, Operational from 8:05 PM to 9:10 AM


Operational from 6:59 PM to 6:59 PM, Degraded performance from 6:59 PM to 8:05 PM, Operational from 8:05 PM to 9:10 AM

my.hahosting.com Customer Portal

Operational from 6:59 PM to 6:59 PM, Degraded performance from 6:59 PM to 8:05 PM, Operational from 8:05 PM to 9:10 AM

Telephone System

Operational from 6:59 PM to 6:59 PM, Degraded performance from 6:59 PM to 8:05 PM, Operational from 8:05 PM to 9:10 AM

Edge Routers

Operational from 6:59 PM to 6:59 PM, Degraded performance from 6:59 PM to 8:05 PM, Operational from 8:05 PM to 9:10 AM


Operational from 6:59 PM to 6:59 PM, Degraded performance from 6:59 PM to 8:05 PM, Operational from 8:05 PM to 9:10 AM

  • Resolved
    This incident has been resolved.
  • Monitoring

    All service has been restored adn we are investigating the cause of the issue

  • Identified

    It appears some servers running core services have rebooted and some VM systems have rebooted with them.

    Cause currently unknown

  • Update

    net-edge-london cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was created by an automated monitoring service.

  • Investigating

    On call engineers are aware of an issue affecting some core services in Sheffield and are investigating